Hassen's life.

Created by Ida 15 years ago
Hassen died last June 2009, after a long illness. He was that type of man who would suffer in silence, very reserved and indeed very brave and kind. Never wished to sadden people and relatives, he was discreet about it. He loved his family and worked as a civil servant most of his life. Hassen spoke fluently French, English and Italian. He had the gift to understand and learn quickly foreign languages. Also a proficient reader in his spare time and loved to travel abroad as well. However, more than anything he was a man of faith. That was his way of life. Hassen is dearly missed by his son, wife and relatives. He'll be always in our heart and memory. Quote: Take time to Think, it is a source of power. Take time to Play, it is the secret of perpetual youth. Take time to Read, it is the fountain of wisdom. Take time to Pray, it is the greatest power on earth. Take time to be Friendly, it is a road to happiness. Take time to Laugh, it is the music of the soul. Take time to Work, it is the prize of success. Take time to do Charity, it is the key to heaven.
